*Tartt's Scientific Approach*

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Henri W. Tartt
Supervising Chemist &
Chief of Microbiology (retired)
City of Cleveland, Ohio

*Life and Social Sciences*
*Science & Religious Discussion*
*Scientific Principles Applied to Controversial Subjects*
*Avenues to Academic Excellence*

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Racial Purity?

Greetings, it’s good to be with you again. It appears, this world is grossly confused. Many of its inhabitants think they belong to some pure racial group they have to live up to. Well, we have no such “pure” group or racial denomination on Earth! And I’m not talking exclusively about ‘eons ago’. I’m talking about recent as well as ‘ancient’ human reproductive history. DNA testing has revealed some intriguing and thought- provoking facts.

*Genetically, Man is the most homogenous of all primates. Two ‘look-alike’ Chimpanzees have more than twice the diversity of a ‘blond European and a dark-skinned African’ human being*

As a rule, I try to be impartial. But I am a bit disturbed by some people’s ‘audacity’ when they think they can speak from some (imaginary) unassailable standpoint of “racial purity” and call someone else (disrespectfully) “a white, black, red, or yellow this or that!’ Such ignorance is still startling. E.g., as a scientist, I could show that“millions” of “white people” carry enough “African ancestry” that if “The One Drop Rule” was the uncontested law of the land, (legally defunct-never ‘codified’ into federal law) we could show, (through DNA testing) this country is ‘surprisingly’more ‘African’ than most think. Whatever racial genius’ came up with that ‘rule’, did not understand the science of genetics.

I’m also a bit amazed the average “white person” never saw these genetic studies that show proof of Man’s universal lust for all female humanity coming. One subject in point: Many racists and bigots talk about the intellect and brain size (comparatively speaking) of blacks. In the past, I have tried to explain in order to increase certain dimensions incorporating brain size, one must have need of it. The brain size of no modern Man is inferior, but congruent. The brain is “necessity driven.” If one’s food supply and mating needs are plentiful, and the climate is warm, one has minimal logarithmic survival needs and no use for ‘nuclear equations’ and the like. So, brain function, (like all human brains) kept pace with its environment and necessity, but also has the ability to solve developmental and most ‘unforeseen challenges’. But comparisons like this may cause a gross ‘underestimation’ of African brain potential.


One of the smartest ‘white men’ on the planet was the late Dr. James D. Watson. (Nobel laureate and co-founder of the DNA Structure) He was also the head of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. Dr. Watson got his DNA tested and sequenced by The Icelandic Genomic Company and the results were made available by ‘Time Online’ Oct. 14th, 2007. After some ‘off the cuff’ derogatory words to the press about “Africa and its social inferiority” Dr. Watson (himself) tested at >15% for African ancestry! In other words, his Nobel Prize had a 1 in 6 chance, of being won by an Intellect he inherited from African ancestors! Just because the average “white looking person” doesn’t look black, doesn’t mean they have no black genetics. We don’t know at what percent a mixed race first becomes noticeable, or how to visually ascertain the mixture concentration without genetic testing.

Dr. Watson didn’t look Negroid. And he didn’t have a small head. But if we correlate blood percent purity to a genetic heritability number to quantity ‘The One Drop Rule,” untold millions of whites could actually be members of the (so called) black race! The blood volume of the average person contains ~94,640 drops of blood. (10 pints) Then Dr. Watson at >15% African ancestry correlates to ~ 14,196 drops of African blood! And if some testing trends remain stable, many white’ people on American street’s may (conservatively) genotype at 1-3% for African markers. This may come from 6-10 generations ago to as recently as a grandparent. 1-3% African markers would constitute from 94 to 2,839 drops of African blood per person! Remember, historically, the masses were told only ‘One Drop’ of sub-Saharan African blood made one black!’ Then some of the racist “Good Ole Boy’s” and white supremacists should also “hate themselves” as well as many of their‘cohorts’.

*Sexuality knows no bounds. Racial mixing is universal. ‘Vehement’ racists are often the racially mixed. While whites cannot easily identify mixtures, most blacks can spot them ‘a mile away’*

It appears most ‘whites’ never factually knew of any potential blood relationship with Africans because until recently 96% of genetic study has been on those of European descent! And 95% of clinical genome sequencing studies have also been on Europeans. That left only 4 or 5% testing for the rest of the world. It is reported some earlier DNA testing companies would even send ‘special unattachedreports if any ‘surprising DNA’ was found. ‘Incriminating’ racial findings were not ‘lauded’. It appears we’ve had somewhat of a country / regional cover-up’ for years! I’m sure some Geneticists found more than a few ‘surprises’ but chose not to “rock the boat!” The racial ‘stakes(because of history) were ‘too high’.

*This is not to imply all ‘whites’ have ‘black’ blood, but the actual numbers would be quite surprising. Ironically, Geneticists tell us ‘southern whites’ outnumber other whites in this area. One geneticist (in particular) through his genetic testing tells us: “I (personally) have never seen a white southern person without (some) African ancestry”* - Bryan Sykes, Professor of Human Genetics, Oxford University


In looking at the entire world’s genetics and relationships to each other, the connection is now unbroken. The human gene pool is shared across the entire globe, breeding with indigenous populations proximal to the ‘old and new worlds. From Africa, Asia, and Europe, up to Iceland, Siberia, and Alaska. Humans have no geographic isolation. And most genetic markers of ancestry eventually spread to the Americas. And now the entire world is genetically connected. Whether it be by microarray expression profile, or single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) mutation. This is evidenced by all types of human DNA findings everywhere in the world today.

But why spend all this time on the “Black/White” issue? Because of opposing phenotypes,’ the African is viewed as the most different from the white ruling class than any other race. And therefore, was viewed as ‘unacceptable’ as equal. The African was/is also slandered with many false ‘anathemas’ and stories of inferiority. And so, it was “OK” to ‘fraternize’ with every race on Earth… other than the African. Yet, we all still carry the African genetic marker M-168. And speaking on racial purity: ‘News flash!’ ‘There is no black race!’ They are a brown people!The word black has ‘sneakily’ enhanced ‘The One Drop Rule’ in that it has the same deleterious, separatist, psychological effect on all that hear it. Continued use of ‘Black(for racial description) is a clever effort to keep race in ‘historical’ context.

*All modern human DNA stems from one African man and woman: Y-Chromosomal Adam and Mitochondrial Eve. Both were born in Africa. And so, we are all still African under the skin*

At one time, all races except the sub-Saharan African was ‘deemed’ acceptable for mating. But there is no human on Earth that has been more sexually abused and yet still ‘sought after’ for sex (over the last three centuries) than the round-hipped African female. Of course, all women of the world are equally desirable because of their own ‘inimitable’ attributes. But while rejection of the African was outwardly encouraged, she was privately in demand. This lie has now mercifully come to light and has been exposed by the existence of African DNA seen in populations around the world. But this is especially true in the Americas, where the term ‘African Americanincludes an ignored fact.Many of these Americans ‘genotype’ originated in the United States. Millions are comprised of ancestry from many countries in addition to Africa. And all ancestors should be ‘recognized’ as such. (Have your DNA tested)

The term ‘African American’ (itself) is also somewhat of a ‘misnomer’. Descriptions could include; African Irish, African German, or African English American’. (Et al) Geneticists tell us almost every African American has some ‘European’ ancestry. ‘People of Color’ are not ‘black’. Black absorbs all light. No human being (African or otherwise) can be that dark.This ‘mistake’ (Black) was ‘coined’ by Johann Friedrich Blumenbach (Germany) (1752-1840) and was continued by ‘slave masters’ in America.

During slavery,this name was originally used as an insult (by all races) and is still in use today as a ‘reminder of separation’. Again, ‘blacks’ are a brown people’. The people accept ‘black’ today, only after ‘centuries of brainwashing.(Including the ‘Say it Loud’ song) The word Black’ is a regrettable ‘hold overfrom ‘slavery’ and is not descriptively accurate or ‘flattering’. ‘Black(by its very definition) should no longer be used for racial designation. One might consider using: African American or Mixed Race designations for all racial identity issues. And please refer to African Americans as a *Brown* people.


There are about 262,000 large pages of genetic information inside every human being. This is called our ‘code of life’. It contains billions of combinations of the letters (ATGC) that make us who and what we are. Each of the 175+ (large, concordance sized) code books (Dr. Craig Venter) is written very explicitly. Our genetic differences make up less than one half of one book. The other >174.5 books tell the exact same story of us all. (Negroid, Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Australoid, and all 5,000 ethnicities of Man) Speaking of genetic information: “The largest accumulation of information in existence resides inside every pregnant woman!”This fact leaves ‘little doubt’ as to the magnitude of human genetic knowledge yet to be ‘finalized’ as study of its common relationship to all peoples continues.

*Much of this information is corroborated by 650,000 genetic markers from 1,000 subjects in 51 populations* (Nat’l Geographic)

So where does this information leave us today? Many still have a 18th century mindset. But the truth is, back then, those that could ‘pass for white’ did. (And today still do) This further digs the “One Drop Rule” into a genetic hole it cannot climb out of. Even today, some whites are falsely known (because of that rule) as ‘Black People!’ Face it, the ‘One Drop Rule’ has the ability to make millions of ‘otherwise’ white people overnight blacks!’And DNA testing is going to expose these results! Sobering fact: If we were able to remove even one ancestor from anyone’s lineage, (somehow) they would simply “disappear!” And their replacement would not be them! (Any takers?) Only you can be you! Please listen and always remember, no matter who you are: You are the ‘sum total’ of *all* of your parts! The “One Drop Rule” is ‘bad science,’ and incorporates a demeaning factor’ that is nonexistent in human biology.


Certain genes have been traced to specific bodily functions. And whether one considers him / herself ‘interracial’ or not, the genes work perfectly together.’ (Or millions would be dead!) They may control one’s kidney, pancreas, blood function, etc. And many whites’ have African genes. But who among us would ‘really hate’ the African genes within them so much they would rather have ‘kidney failure’ and die than live with it? Unequivocally, I say none! Many genetic concentrations don’t physically show. And most won’t tell. They will however, spreadthese genes and may cause some ‘bewilderment’ among unsuspecting ‘genetic test’ recipients in the future.

People that have been whitefor generations (large families, etc.) will not ‘renounce’ their whiteness in exchange for blackness because of a ‘test result’. Nor should they. Do we now have millions more ‘new’ African Americans? No, as I mentioned, the ‘one drop rule’ was not based on any reliable genetic study, just *politics*. Geneticist’s, Chemist’s, and Anthropologist’s tell us a drop of blood never had the power to actually change or alter anyone’s race or ethnicity. That was only a racist ploymeant to confuse the poor, uneducated African slave and stop whites from the inevitable mixing of genetics with them. However, at the previous/current rate of mixing and marriage between different groups and former racial enemies, the very concept of race is ‘doomed’. There is something almost poetic in this occurrence. Matt 20: 16 “The first shall be last, and the last shall be first” might come to mind.

*Genetic testing and ‘The One Drop Rule’ are not compatible. Quantitative analysis and ‘true genetic test results’ show; ‘The One Drop Rule’ has ‘backfired’ on its founders. Due to Man’s (historic) sexual promiscuity and the ‘onset’ of DNA testing, (by observing this rule) millions of whites (in America) that test ‘positive’ for African ancestry, could suffer genetic scrutiny and racial identity issues. This rule either includes all races, or it no longer exists, any where for any people*


Genetics has factually shown what we see in the ‘Great Religious Books’ of the world: E.g., “The Holy Bible, The Holy Quan, The Torah, The Bhagavad Gita, The Mahabharata, The Books of Confucius, The Guru Granth Sahib (etal.) E.g., “Go ye into all the Earth, be fruitful and multiply.” (Gen: 1:28.)

I know many of our readers (Educators, university students, et al.) may be atheist or agnostic. But I say to them: Only God, or some superior intellect (what term would you use? Double slit experiment? Ex nihilo? What?) could have conceived and put together such a flawless, extremely complicated, efficient system for life and reproduction. (In perpetuity with justice encrypted) Statistically, the chance of all this happening ’on its own’ is now almost zero! One truth that must be faced is this: because of ‘dynamic’ circumstances far beyond our control, (with fierce opposition) “we are one family of Man”It looks like “The World” has been caught ‘red handed’ (by DNA testing) with its pants down’. There are no pure races, anywhere. ‘The Masquerade is Over’. Welcome back to ‘reality’. It’s been a long time. Stay well

“In general, pride is at the bottom of all great mistakes” – John Ruskin

All the Best,
Henri W. Tartt,
Supervising Chemist &
Chief of Microbiology (Retired)
City of Cleveland, Ohio (USA)
Website:*Tartt's Scientific Approach*

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